次性使用技术(Single Use Technologies,SUT),同时也称作一次性使用系统(Single Use System,SUS)是种工艺设备解决方案。一次性使用系统已经广泛应用于生物制药领域,如疫苗、抗体、基因与细胞治疗的制药领域中的液体存储、液体转移、无菌过滤、超滤浓缩等工艺步骤中 目前,一次性使用系统几乎可以涵盖整个生物制药工艺过程的各个单元操作从上游细胞培养到下游纯化,直至最终灌装。我们的产品可涵盖整个工艺流程线,包含一次性袋子及配套产品、一次性使用设备系统以及流体管理,可以帮助客户降低清洗方面的投入,缩短生产周期,增加灵活性,加速药品开发和上市的流程。<p>11111111</p>
Advanced Production Base

Relying on the understanding of regulations and processes, provide reliable end-to-end equipment and facilities from R&D to commercialization; Through planning and design, procurement management, engineering construction, system verification and other processes, integrated delivery of factories with specific functions; Provide core process consumables such as culture medium, resin, filter and single use reaction bag to assist process optimization and solve the problem of stock solution production; Relying on the time experience of informationization and intelligence, we will provide forward-looking and professional digital intelligence planning to help enterprises transform digitally.
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